May be of interest. If there are any readers. But some useful resources on this website for the future is the idea. And now hopefully. I still use other platforms (.Net C# and Sql Server primarily) and there are things you can’t do in WordPress. But it’s what I mostly build in now. Because it’s mostly what people ask me for so they can update the site themselves. I have used other CMS’ for building websites, probably tried most. The issue is not the build so much as the client updates – they are not as easy as WordPress/DIVI theme. The sites remained static.

If you keep your plugins up to date (that can be automated now, but it’s the big one to keep on top of as unsupported plugins are a major risk to your website and should be deleted), themes (also automated)… that’s 11 years where I have had no problems on this platform where I have built (not taken over – plenty of issues there). And no issues building to any design provided. Mobile versions of websites are about as easy as it gets using DIVI theme. And mobile versions are what the search engines primarily use for rankings (for a few years now). There are plenty of nice themes, you just want to make sure the one you choose is provided by a company that are sticking around or you will have a problem. And major releases of WP – at the time of writing you have to do those manually. I do those for you currently. It’s easy. Do a backup and click update.

Some hosts don’t allow automated updates at all. Catalyst2 does. They usually happen a couple of days after a release. You can manually update anytime.