Google Search Console

Whatever you think about Google there is no denying it is the search engine most of the world are using (65% according to the link below). I use Firefox (3%) and DuckDuckGo (0.58%)​ So if you want a quick way to...

WordPress – 43 percent of the Web

WordPress now powers more than 43 percent of the web. And currently more than 66% of all new websites use WordPress. The latest major release of WordPress has hugely improved accessibility out of the box. And if you want secure, reliable ecommerce up and running...

Bluesky (and Post and Mastodon)

Jack Dorsey’s other social platform has been in the making for some years (2019) but is soon to go into beta testing. If of interest sign up here: It’s not a blockchain nor does it use a blockchain. Blockchain – leading the way in...

WordPress 6.1 is here

This is a major release and may need to be done manually by me. Major releases are now automatically made (optionally) in the Updates section.  For those that have not been done automatically I will be doing that sometime this week. I’ll check everything is ok...

WordPress Vulnerability Reports

“Vulnerable plugins and themes are the number reason WordPress websites get hacked. The weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report powered by WPScan covers recent WordPress plugin, theme, and core vulnerabilities and what to do if you run one of the vulnerable...

History of WordPress

May be of interest. If there are any readers. But some useful resources on this website for the future is the idea. And now hopefully. I still use other platforms (.Net C# and Sql Server primarily) and there are things you can’t do in WordPress. But it’s...